Remember that movie where some guy opens a window and yells out, “I am sick of this crap, and I’m not going to take it anymore”! Well, it went something like that. I don’t remember exactly what he said. But I am beginning to know exactly how he felt. Because my anxiety regarding the limitations of “aging” is increasing by the minute.
And I’m not talking physicality here... (is that a word)?
It began innocently. In my 50’s I think. I started to find myself drifting toward age appropriate clothing. It was a subtle move. Not something I woke up and decided I was going to do. But as time went on, little by little, I noticed I was eliminating certain styles, cuts and colors from my wardrobe.
This may seem like the appropriate thing to do for women my age. Lengthening our skirts, raising our necklines, covering our arms. But where does it end? I am getting to the point where I feel like it is just easier to stay home, than to go through all the trouble it takes not to “offend” anyone with my aging body parts!
Whoever said “Growing Old Isn’t For Sissies” hit the nail on the head. There is a book out there dealing with every phase of life, from gestation to geriatrics. But nothing that deals with this “transitional period”. You know, the “Im old, but not that old stage”.
Somehow I don’t think men suffer from the same dilemma. I really don’t know very many men who care whether they are showing too much of anything! Some might even consider their lack of “decorum” part of their charm.........think again Old Man!
So I’m back to me and the “age appropriate” wardrobe thing. And I still haven’t decided which way to go. And like I said, it is not the biggest issue on my mind. I do lead a full life. I read, I exercise, I garden. And I spend the most time with my grandchildren that I possibly can.
Come to think of it though, going over to my daughter’s house recently sort of brought this all to the forefront.
While I was in her driveway getting out of my car, I hear my little grandson yelling “my grama’s here, my grama’s here”. Then I see him running out the iron gates stark naked! Free as a bird! Ahh......to be 2 again. Not that I remember being 2. But just the simplicity of it all is what grabbed me.
Just how is this aging thing supposed to work anyhow? Is it considered more admirable to grow old gracefully? Or do I want to go down fighting? I can’t seem to make up my mind.
But until I do, and depending on how I feel on a given day, I might leave the house in a boat necked “three quarter length sleeve” top. And the next day, a plunging V necked “sleeveless” Tee.
Because this is America, and last I heard, we still have the right to Bare Arms,
(dimpled or not).