Friday, September 21, 2012

The Imperial Fly Swatter

                                                                      The Imperial Fly Swatter

The timing and accuracy I employ when swatting a fly amazes even me.  I always get my “man”!  
But unfortunately whatever talent I have in marksmanship, I lack in force.  Because it seems that 9 times out of 10, the fly doesn’t die!!  He just lays there stunned for a second, and in the time it takes me to grab a paper towel and the 409, he is gone.  He just gets right back up, shakes himself off, and up he goes!  And the worst part of it is, I think I can hear him laughing as he flies away : )

Rhetoric, and Other Signs of Aging

At what age is it okay “Not” to be considered cool?
I am currently collecting Social Security.  Have I crossed over yet?   I need to know. Because I am finding it more and more difficult to keep up. 

In my younger days, I never concerned myself with such things.  I don’t ever remember consciously trying to be cool.  I always just thought I was cool........therefore I was.
But that is just my opinion.  

Still recently, I have noticed a little disconnect with the X generation (or is it Y or Z now).  I’ve caught an occasional roll of the eyes, or a little snicker after some of my remarks.  Hmm.....what could this mean?

I do accept the fact that my taste in music dates me.  After all, I just can’t get into Hip Hop, and I deplore Rap.....or are they the same thing?  See, I don’t even know! 
But I have in fact learned how to disguise my ignorance.  For example, I do not ever criticize the headliner artists at the Grammys.  And I never announce the fact that I’ve not  a clue who most of them are, let alone their work!  And if by some miracle I do happen to recognize them, I secretly applaud myself.  Yippee!

 As far as technology goes. I think I’m good.  I have a cell phone, a laptop and an iPad.  I may only know how to use the basic functions, but every once in a while I amaze even  myself by mastering a new App, (kudos for me for even knowing what an App is)........

Which brings me to another issue, Rhetoric.  I really don’t feel the need to know all the current slang.  My kids are adults now, so they no longer speak that foreign language.  But I do like to keep up a bit.  Not that I want to use it......I hate when older people do that.  But on the other hand, I don’t want to be using dated words like “Groovy” either.   Come to think of it, I don’t recall ever saying “Groovy” back in the 60’s!

I remember growing up and laughing at some of my mother’s dated phrases.  

“Mom, No one says brassiere anymore, and No one ever Paints the Town Red “!
But she was old and not cool.

So this is where I am right now.  I don’t think you can really call it a dilemma or anything.  
And I hope I am not leaving anyone with the impression that I am fighting the Old Age thing.  After all, I am the first to ask for the Senior discount.

But at the same time,  I don’t want to be seen shuffling around the Senior Center dressed like Grandma Moses!

ps    do young people even know who Grandma Moses was?
Wild thing, You make my Heart Sing, You make Everything......Groovy 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Defining “Me”

Janet (Janet) proper noun

definition 1. Wife, Mother, Grandmother

If someone were to ask me to define myself, this would be my response. I am 3 titles. Wife, Mother, Grandmother. This is who I am.

I know at one point, before I acquired these titles, I was simply “me”. But I can barely remember who that was now. A lifetime has passed. Many paths taken. Many right turns, many wrong turns. Many doors opened, and closed.

When I crossed over my first threshold....Marriage, I think I was so caught up in being part of that institution, I eagerly abandoned what was just “me” in the process. This is a natural progression I am sure, but then again that’s how it began. Shedding layers of me to become “we”.

Then came Motherhood. “Hood” is the key word here. I was definitely part of something bigger than myself. All my thoughts, actions and reactions, all led back to my children, and how it affected them. The bonds of loyalty unsurpassed.

And being a Grandmother? Well most women will tell you it is our reward for all the sacrifice and selflessness of Motherhood. And for the most part, this is true. I wear this title like a tiara, in all it’s crowning glory!

And yet I can’t help but wonder. What happened to Me? And is it possible to be me again without having to relinquish any of my titles?

Now that I am in my declining years, I often find myself saying, “It is what it is”. it?

So I am thinking this is the time to do it. Finding Me, Defining Me.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t expect to become an astronaut or anything. That would be funny.....move over Curiosity, Senility is coming up!

I just want to find “Me” again. I’ll keep you posted : )